Friday 28 February 2014


When was the last time that you organize one day just for you? Only for you, your mental and body health. When was the last time that you took break from your work, all responsibilities and things that need to be done? Did you ever spend one day just with you?

I challenge you to try it! And here are some things that you can try out during that special day:

In this crazy world I have noticed that lots of people around me don`t get enough sleep and they are constantly tired. That is not good for health, for your look and for your work. So, sleep, sleep, sleep and get up feeling fresh.

I have already wrote about importance of morning rituals that make your every day more beautiful. So, enjoy your morning coffee, juice and health breakfast. Do some stretching or morning jogging. Or read magazine, whatever makes you comfortable.

Here is everything clear :)

Read all that interesting blogs that you 'saved for later', articles, online-magazines... Look for interesting sites, read all that things that you put in bookmarks because you did not have time.

Try that healthy recipe that you find delicious... You can invite your friend for a lunch. Glass of good wine with a person that make you smile - priceless.

How many times you decided: This month I`m going on a massage! This time, arrange a massage for this special day. Massage provides relief from back pain. It reduces stress, improve circulation, boosts immune system and, in general, improve quality of your life. You deserve it!

Write a blog, decorate your working space, clean and arrange everything on your computer, make a collage of your favorite photographs, buy some flowers and put it around the house, write a letter to a good friend who lies far away, send a postcards to your friends (they really don`t expect it), all that concert tickets and dear memories put on a big paper and put it on the wall, call your aunt or grandmother and talk with them, explore what`s new in your city like exhibitions, new café bars etc..... do whatever you want!

You probably have the list...

Let your bathroom become your private spa! Make your own scrub: homemade olive oil with sugar - and scrub your body, from your toes to your face. That`s my favorite one and skin after that is soooo soft and beautiful. You can also put some scented candles and just enjoy warm bath, put mask on your face, or you can do your nails...

And in the and.... go to bed earlier...

Tuesday 25 February 2014


Good morning habits can help you to enjoy the beginning of your day at work. So, instead of being all grouchy here are some ideas how to make your work day pleasurable and more productive.

Have a morning ritual
Is it going to be a cup of coffee or a cup of tea early in the morning while everyone is sleeping... or your morning run or stretching - If you do it every morning you’ll be amazed at how great and energized you will feel - not just for the morning but the whole day.  

You can also start your day with reading some positive and inspirational literature, or anything that relax you. Michael Woodward, PhD, organizational psychologist sad for Forbes that he worked with executives who meditate 10 minutes every morning before their work. 'There is a tremendous power in meditation when it comes to settling your mind. Starting off your day right is really about setting your own tone', sad Woodward for Forbes.

Prepare your clothes and bag night before
It`s just so easier when you don`t have to think about that when you wake up - cause everything is ready for you.

Ate breakfast
It is the most important meal of the day so it needs be healthy...

Arrive on time
When you are constantly late it leaves a bad impression. And for you is even worse because of all that stress. Instead of that, try to come to the office a few minutes earlier...

First do the important things
Focus on what you absolutely need to do for that day. After that, everything gets easy...

Clear your desk, organize your papers and documents, put some plant on the table, you can decor your table and whole workspace the way you like it: colors or just white, pictures of family or best friends, inspirational quotes, little aquarium, fancy calendar/planner...

Use your pause
This is very important time for boosting your energy. Take a walk outside, drink a cup of tea and  enjoy the sun, go for a lunch with your colleague... It is very important to get away from your work space during lunch. It will help you clear your mind.

And I hope you have a good boss :)

Sunday 23 February 2014


From apartments and rooms to tree houses and boats: Rent unique space in the country that you want to visit... And you can also rent your space!

A totally positive online community for women founded by Zooey Deschanel, Molly McAleer and Sophia Rossi

To keep your brain in top shape :)

Enjoy your Sunday :)

Saturday 22 February 2014


Tina Roth Eisnberg (Photo: swissmiss)

Every Saturday I will present you something that I found inspiring, creative and refreshing. I`ll start with a blog swissmiss from NY. It is a design blog and studio run by Tina Roth Eisenberg.

More than a million people read it and it was selected by The Times as one of the world's Top 50 design blogs.

I bring you a YouTube video where Tina Roth Eisenberg speaks about a place she came from (small village in Switzerland), her inspiration and passion. It`s really inspirational! Enjoy...

Friday 21 February 2014


There is one more weekend in front of you! If you have been working all week, if you feel stressed out and tired... you need to use your weekend in the best possible way. And that means, not in your bed or on the couch. Even if it currently sounds like a great idea.

If you want to feel truly refreshed by Monday I bring you some advices that I found great and inspirational...

Turn off the alarm and sleep, and sleep, and sleep....and then, roll over and sleep more. Totally guilt-free. Take a good rest. Your body needs it more than you think.

Even if you feel like it would be the best thing to spend day in your pajamas in front of the TV or your computer (of course, that could be also one of great days :) ) make a change and during the week organize to take up with your friends or/and family. Especially if you did not see them for a longer period of time. Socializing with people who you cherish helps you to feel connected and loved. And that is one of the predictors of happiness. 

Take half an hour over the weekend just for you. Sit in quiet and comfortable place and start with deep breathing. Enjoy these moments of peace. Pray to God, be grateful for every single beautiful thing in your life, or meditate, just clear your mind... Just like you clear your body from toxins, try to clean your mind and spirit from toxic thoughts. 

Use your body and keep it strong and healthy. Exercise sparks the release of endorphins that make you feel good. So, all you need is to get sweat. Outdoor, on the fresh air cause people who exercise outside feel more energetic. You can jog, ride a bike, swim, do yoga with your friend, go for a long walk whit your boyfriend... just do whatever you like the most. Just be active. The feeling after good exercise is really, really great!

No TV, no newspapers, no news, no web surfing. Can you do that for a day? Try! Instead, be out with your kids, friends, or boyfriend...enjoy nature, clean your house, organize your wardrobe, go for a one day trip, read a book, cook some complicated meal and invite your friends for a dinner... Imagine what you would do if there is no TV, computer or Smartphone. Be creative! And let me tell you one more interesting fact: Sociologists at the University of Maryland found that unhappy people watch 30% more TV than happy ones.